Defense Against Crime


A woman’s purse is an ideal place

Filed under: Crime Prevention,Pepper Spray Information — Onyx Knight @ 8:24 AM

 Ladies ,  Do you ever leave your  house without your purse or handbag?  Very Seldom correct?  Whether you are on your way to class, to  work, shopping, or just out to visit friends or family, you grab your purse or handbag on the way out the door. Then when you get out of your car, you take your purse, it’s always with you. We recommend that you carry pepper spray in your purse or on your key ring.  Besides protection from a random vicious dog that you may encounter, there is the obvious protection against sexual  predators or robbers. In the United States, there is one sexual assault every two minutes, and one rape every six minutes. In addition, over  three million women are battered every year. US Crime Statistics also show that most women will be the victims of at least one violent crime during their lifetime. Statistics also show that if you carry pepper spray, you reduce the chance of being another crime victim.   Just the threat of a burst of pepper spray in the face will send any attacker running.  Perhaps you think sexual assault happens only in certain  high-risk situations such as hitchhiking, or walking alone at night. Think again! It can happen to anyone, including you!   Are you aware that  about one-third of all rapes occur in or near  the victim’s residence. About one-half of rapes are by first or casual dates. Be prepared when the time comes.

By Victor Swindell, owner of, a division of Swindell Enterprises. is dedicated to assist those people who are unwilling to become a victim and are taking personal responsibility to protect themselves, and their families with our pepper spray, stun guns, and other personal security products. In today’s society being equipped mentally and physically is no longer an option.

1 Comment »

  1. Thanks the author for article. The main thing do not forget about users, and continue in the same spirit.


    Comment by ZAREMA — 19/03/2010 @ 9:26 AM | Reply

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